Is it possible to tell the race or ethnicity of a person by looking at the genetic markers currently used in DNA testing? What pattern in a pedigree is typical of the inheritance of a recessive gene? What possible traits can be passed down to offspring?
It shows how DNA testing can challenge not just our ideas of race and identity, but our notion of being. Yourgenetic ancestrymight be completely different from your cultural identity. Just ask the folks in the ad. Beyond this, it also highlights how mainstream this kind of science has become...
Each genetic testing platform has algorithms that can compare one person's DNA to the DNA of everyone else in their database and quickly identify long stretches of matching DNA. Scientists already know how much shared DNA is expected for a given familial relationship, so they can then use the...
For many years, DNA tests were something used by the police but now they are available to everyone. They are a popular way of finding more information about your ancestry but some people have doubts about their accuracy. The information they provide can sometimes be totally unexpected. People f...
(the next best thing) record among those records. You can also find church records in compiled books, on websites, and at the actual churches themselves. Quakers were particularly good at recording vital records within the church, and there are many books of Quaker church ...
DNA analysisHIGHER educationGRADUATE studentsSOCIAL constructionismPOPULAR cultureThe recent proliferation of DNA testing in both popular culture and higher education calls to question whether such testing reifies race as a biological construct and, in particular, whether or not it disrupts or reinforces ...
Companies that offer saliva-swab DNA tests to assess your ancestry and health are rising in popularity. But do they really work?
Focusing on the United States, the researchers predicted that public genetic data would soon allow any American with European ancestry (a very large proportion of those so far tested) to be identified by their DNA. Note that it makes no difference whether the subject initiated the test or ...
NOTE: My recommended tests are all capable of picking up Native American and Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. Some tests are better than others for measuring ethnicity. Read on for my observations on the tests I use myself. For a detailed introduction applicable to everyone seeEthnic DNA Testing. ...
The person you use for an mtDNA test can be male or female as long as that person’s mother is in the proper maternal line. All children have the mother’s mtDNA. But only the daughters pass it on. ETHNIC DNA TESTING #3: Autosomal DNA Testing Your Y-DNA came exclusively from your ...