Vikingsmade their bloody but brief mark on history hundreds of years ago through their nomadic lifestyle and wild practices of raping, pillaging and conquering anything or anyone who crossed their path. These nomads were often seen as savages as they traveled throughout Europe, but the Vikings he...
Peterson: My mentality didn't change when we were down 33-0. Came into halftime, what did I say? Duke [Shelley]? I said we need five touchdowns to win the game. Vikings cornerback Duke Shelley, standing next to Peterson in the locker room: Yup, five touchdowns. Peterson...
The answers to those questions, it turns out, were hanging on a Los Angeles cartoonist's office wall for decades. And they're now part of a permanent exhibit at the Vikings' stadium in Minneapolis. Confused? Here's the backstory: The Vikings' first general manager was former Los Angeles ...
“ The Night Fury is the "Unholy offspring of lightning and death itself", but he's also our best friend. Without Toothless, there would be no Dragons on Berk. Heck, there probably wouldn't even be any Vikings left, as the Dragon Hunters would won long ago.The attack of a Night ...
How did the Vikings become Normans? Were the Gauls pagan? What did the Romans think of the Huns? Who were the people who lived in Ancient Ireland? Where are Norsemen from? How did Tacitus view the Germanic people? What is the difference between the Huns and the Romans?
Barf and Belch are Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston's Hideous Zippleback who first appeared in How to Train Your Dragon. Click here to view the biography of Barf and Belch. Barf and Belch have the appearance of a normal Zippleback. Despite the heads' resembl
Ancient mariners, whether they be Vikings or South Sea Islanders, would navigate with astronomical bearings by reading the celestial bodies as well as landmarks. We’ve generally lost that ability, since we now have sophisticated, reliable, and portable tools to guide us. ...
How were the ancient Romans influenced by the Etruscans? How was Greek society in Hellenistic era similar to that of the earlier Hellenic era? How was it different? What was more significant, the continuities or the changes? What impact did the Vikings have on medieval Europe?
Demoff said that Rams owner Stan Kroenke has spared no expense to facilitate a smooth relocation, and that the Vikings have said, “Just tell us where to go and how we can help.” (Mark J. Terrill / Associated Press) “You could just hear in their voices that they were, wh...
McCarthy’s progress over the spring and summer—and his performance in the Vikings’ preseason opener against the Raiders—complicated Minnesota’s plan to start Darnold and redshirt the rookie. Despite his knee injury, McCarthy stayed engaged. How much so? Well, he resumed traveling with ...