July 22nd 2023 was 1 years, 6 months and 27 days ago, which is 577 days. It was on aSaturdayand was in week 29 of 2023. Create a countdownfor July 22, 2023 orSharewith friends and family. How many months ago was July 22nd 2023?
On July 21, 356 B.C., a pyromaniac namedHerostratusburned the temple to the ground, hoping to achieve infamy. According to legend, Artemis couldn't save her burning temple because she was present at the birth ofAlexander the Great[source: Hillman]. The temple was later rebuilt, but we're...
appearance onGood Morning Americawith professional partnerKym Johnson, the star was asked if he had been "surprised" by the elimination. "Well, we actually planned this whole thing," he joked in response. "We're coming out with a new video calledHow To DealWith Rejection: The Hoff And ...
The station was quiet and peaceful - like stepping back in time. The train is old and not perfectly clean but it really is fine. We had a cabin to ourselves as there are four beds. We kept the windows open during the night even though it was cold (July). We watched the beautiful ...
Southern soul bombast, and perhaps a sign of what was to come if the singer hadn't died tragically in a plane crash. "That one song, wesearchedfor a long time. We call it crossover music;soit could go eitherway:,R&B, pop, whatever. That was the first one w...
July 5, 2019 at 5:08 am Impressive tips, I must say. These tips must be practiced by everyone. I am not sure whether I have some illness or what but I do struggle with remembering things. Sometimes I even forget the name of the person I met a day before. I was looking for some...
We present the first synthesis of the mountain observatories in Southern Africa and the collective value of long-term research from the region. The primary aim of this novel synthesis was to demonstrate the value of a diverse suite of process-orientated LT(S)ER initiatives in Southern Africa’s...
This example can even be extended to the time dimension; for example, we can state that the target population should represent the product between 𝑥1x1 and 𝑥2x2 as it was 𝜃1θ1 and 𝜃2θ2 seconds ago, that is 𝑓(𝑥1,𝑥2)(𝑡)=𝑥1(𝑡−𝜃1)·𝑥2(𝑡−...
Thanks, Its was really helpfull Reply Katiesays September 25, 2017 at 10:30 AM Do you know if creating a Facebook event counts as a page post? I have a lot of events and a ton of content, so I consistently struggle to keep below two per day. ...
How Long Does a Civilization Last? Recently, I was talking with a colleague at work, and I mentioned that civilizations usually only last 500 years. The only problem was that I couldn't remember where I had heard that. In fact, I wasn't all that sure that I was right. I know that...