Here is where the King of the Jews was sleeping. And, sitting close by with watchful eyes, were Mary and Joseph; a humble pair who had traveled many miles to find no room in the inn. This cradle was made for royalty. Jesus was born in a manger because He was, and is, and will ...
Was Great-Grandpa Charlie born in New York or Philadelphia? Did Grandma Rose have one sister or two? It is best to write down the facts as soon as you learn them. Each memory, each event, even family stories, need to be written down so you can decipher them and retrieve the pertinent...
How long ago was Lord Krishna born? How old is the field of religious studies? What is paganism? What does a red moon mean in Wicca? Is Paganism growing? Are Wiccan and Pagan the same? How old is Sanskrit? How old is the Quran?
About a third of the planet’s food goes to waste, often because of its looks. That’s enough to feed two billion people.
Did Jesus Exist or Is It All a Myth? Is There Any Historical Proof for the Existence of Jesus? Atheists in the Pulpit: Clergy Who Are Non-Believers How Zoroastrianism Shaped the Judeo-Christian Concept of God
He was so worried it would drop, that chick wasn’t going anywhere! Hannah was not to worried about dropping them, I love how most of the kids have their eyes on the chicks! Taliah with my favourite chick! I do believe Joshua is holding a future rooster! This one hatched first and ...
The second of six children, Darwin was born to be a proper English gentleman. His father, Dr. Robert Waring Darwin, sent him first to Anglican Shrewsbury School and then to Edinburgh University, where he hoped his son would benefit from a solid science education and follow in his foots...
I was looking through a few old USB sticks when I found this. It made me laugh. I had forgotten all about it. I also found the story which I have posted below. I can’t remember where it was published but it was at least 10 years ago. ...
In chapter 3 Job poured out his grief in very descriptive terms. He had just lost all 10 of his children. His grief was real and powerful. He wished he had never been born. While today we might not tear our clothes and put dust on our heads, those who are grieving may express their...
The material uses the Bible in a variety of lessons, including directly quoting from it, as well as teaching about Creationism — the Christian belief that God created the Earth in one week — and the crucifixion of Jesus. “[Conservatives] have globbed onto schools as a place to indoctrin...