July 22nd 2023 was 1 years, 6 months and 27 days ago, which is 577 days. It was on aSaturdayand was in week 29 of 2023. Create a countdownfor July 22, 2023 orSharewith friends and family. How many months ago was July 22nd 2023?
I’m hearing it more and more. Jenn Herrmann was suggesting 5-7x a week about a year ago. And I recently heard a page with 100K fans say their best results are when they post only 3x a week! I think you have to test and see what works best for your audience. Reply says January ...
While the concept of investing has been around for millennia, investing in its present form can find its roots in the period between the 17th and 18th centuries when the development of the first public markets connected investors with investment opportunities. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange was establi...
The Old Farmer’s Almanachas predicted the weather since our founding in 1792—when George Washington was president and actively farming at Mount Vernon. (Fun fact: One of Washington’s greatest preoccupations during his agricultural career was to eschew single crop farming; in 1785–86, his dia...
Past Lives isn't just one of the best A24 films to come out last year, but one of the very best films of 2023. It was even nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. As Puchko noted in her review, it "avoids the buzz backlash by being sharply funny and refusing to play by rom-dr...
R&B is not what it was four years ago. When I first started, I couldn't jump off the cliff with all these deep harmonies and chord changes and flavors. I just couldn't do it without being kind of stuck and pigeonholed. I had to figure out a nice balance between what's...
the most recent occurred two weeks ago", and "No". For the first two answers, the assigned variable was 0, while for the last answer, it was 1. The residency willingness variable was measured from the question "If you intend to stay in the local area, how long do you expect to stay...
I was asked to come in for interview on Jan 13, 2023. Then was issued pink-slip to get additional documents. On 8th Feb, (last wednesday), the first update on status happened from “Refused” to “Approved”. Today, 14th Feb, the status went from “Approved” to “Application Received...
I only have a mortgage payment, electric bill and phone bill ,I let everything else go when my husband went to prison 3 years ago, he was recently released, but decided to walk out, so I have no help. I Don’t want to lose my house or electricity and need my phone to try and ...
The 2023 Atlantic hurricane season was predicted to be above-average, and that was borne out; a total of 21 tropical cyclones, 20 of which were named storms and seven of which were hurricanes, formed that year. On May 23, NOAA said the forthcoming season was likely to be record-breaking...