You're definitely correct to say that the IBIS of the E-M5 II is remarkable given its handicaps. The plastic fantastic was also up against an OIS lens. Given that it wasn't that far behind is probably testament to how good the 3 year older E-M5 II IBIS held up. Also, that the fu...
Due to this, getting a rollback today is more difficult than it was months ago. If you are one of the few who did manage to get a rollback. Please contact me via the forum or via my discord handle:Dav.idV2#9430 I would love to know your experience on this. 8 个赞 66trass(levi...
A little while ago, I was learningDapp Toolsas it has fantastic tools for developing and auditing smart contracts. And although I loved the experience, I soon learned that it is in the clandestine development stage. This means that casual/individual users can not depend on maintainers fo...
From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial more than forty years ago, Martin Luther King electrified America with his momentous "I Have a Dream" speech. This speech demanded racial justice towards the mistreated black community of America. The theme of the speech was that all humans were created ...
Just to be sure I was clear, I would not expect any lens to instantly give the effect. But if a person was going to try, a Pentax lens might be a bit closer than another brand. Most likely it will take some post processing to get the real effect. If it can be gotten. ...
If I was gonna buy a controller that only works for one game it would be the smash gamecube controller. If I had kids the pokeball would be more appealing. As a single 30 yr old man I think it would be a little weird personally. But hey if it gives you enjoyment go for it. 3 ...
long-term average was reported with no information about the inter-annual variance. Only four of the included studies investigated multiple wetlands that were similar enough to be regarded as replicates and also reported the results in such a way that it was possible to calculate the variance, ...
Indeed, the point was to do it programatically, not just answer the question. -Cameron McKenzie Brian Legg Ranch Hand Posts: 488 posted 15 years ago Rofl, I just realized who you were Cameron. I really enjoyed your SCJA book SCJA ~Currently preparing for SCJP6 Campbell Ritchie Marshal...
In 2008 I tested the resolution for a selection of films using a Canon EOS 5 with the EF 1.4/50mm USM lens to shoot test charts at 2 meters distance which resulted in a measured 1:37 reduction on film. The setup was rather crude as I used only a single studio flash with a softbox...
Just to add, I also ordered B+W MRC as it was not available at the time I got the lens, but have not bothered bolting it on as the Hoya does the job. Marko Marko_Finland's gear list: OM-1 Panasonic Leica 100-400mm F4.0-6.3 ASPH Olympus M.Zuiko 300mm F4 IS Pro Panasonic 14...