How did WWI end the labor movement?Labor and World War 1:The labor movement had always existed in the United States, but it grew significantly toward the end of the nineteenth century. As businesses grew in size, workers realized they needed to band together to contest the power wielded by...
How did the ending and outcomes of WWI affect the United States citizens? How was World War 2 economically beneficial? How did the U.S. become involved with WWII? How did the second world war develop from a European conflict to a global war?
World War I changed society in Europe and the US, bringing about waves of nationalism and isolationism. Learn about the home front during WWI, explore how the war impacted Europe and the US, and discover the war's long-term effects on both regions. ...
WWII US Army Serial Numbers: Meaning in the First Digits The U.S. Army began issuing serial numbers to help avoid mixing the records of people with the same name. (A genealogist’s dream come true!) When we dig a little deeper into the number itself, we can learn a bit about the pe...
Deadly outbreaks have plagued societies for centuries. But they can lead to medical breakthroughs—if we learn the right lessons from them.
Where as United States is a very young country but had a crash course with foreign relations after wwI and wwII, now it is being cocky and thinking it is a super power with no humbleness. What you guys don’t see is the Conservative reactions to Obama’s visit...
Did WWI Lead to WWII? In 1945, when the leaders of the United States, Great Britain and Soviet Union met at Potsdam, they blamed the failures of the Versailles Treaty for making another great conflict necessary and vowed to right the wrongs of their peacekeeping predecessors. But Neiberg, lik...
There are many ways to discover what a relative did during WWII. My advice is to either gain a good understanding of the conflict first and then start your search, or if you know who your relative was and where they served at least get a thorough grounding in that specific theatre. ...
How could a whole nation of people, the Germans, turn against another nation, the Jews, to the degree they did? What I mean is the total control of Jews on the German people and the destruction of their economy after WWI. If the whole truth is never told and hidden, history will re...
How did the Treaty of Versailles help cause WWII? To what extent did the New Deal effectively end the Great Depression and restored the economy? How did WWI end the labor movement? How did dual federalism collapse in the Great Depression?