A large portion of the U.S. population still doesn't want to get the Covid vaccine, but they might not have a choice. Powers at the federal and state level, not to mention the legal rights granted to employers under U.S. labor law, may make it impossible
How long to quarantine after a positive COVID-19 test? The CDC define the difference between quarantine and isolation as: Quarantine: You need to be in quarantine when you have been exposed to the virus and you may or may not be infected. Isolation: You need to isolate when you are infe...
COVID research is free to access — but for how long?SARS-CoV-2PublishingMedical researchScientific papers made free to access during the pandemic are rumoured to be disappearing behind paywalls. They aren't — yet.doi:10.1038/d41586-022-03418-9Richard Van Noorden...
The rollout of the self-test kits allows citizens to do COVID-19 tests easily at home. But self-testing cannot fully replace the more accurate nucleic acid tests as there is a risk of misdiagnosis. CGTN's Guo Meiping undertakes her first COVID-19 self-test with one of the newly appr...
Students have had to stay at home and take classes online. Basic outdoor activities have also been cancelled. Families have had to face the changes forced by the pandemic and cope with the new norm. How can we keep our families active and happy when normal life has...
How will personal care and beauty categories perform after the outbreak of Covid-19? We have the following predictions: 1. Short-term influence on hair care During SARS outbreak in 2003 there was no official quarantine policy from government so most consumers still maintained their regular pace...
【200414】How are you staying safe during this COVID-19 pand 只看楼主收藏回复 小黑猪25K NexusGod 13 你们都去投了吗? 送TA礼物 1楼2020-04-14 09:59回复 梦醒何处 V.I.P. 14 链接呢? 来自Android客户端2楼2020-04-14 10:01 收起回复 ...
long Covid aftermath after COVID-19 WHO官网上说10%-20%感染过COVID的人会持续各种不适症状相当长一段时间,所以又叫做 long Covid. 从词汇角度而言,我最喜欢第一种说法:post-Covid conditions. 后遗症的正式英文是sequela,读音是 /sɪˈkwiːlə...
they usually recover after oxygen treatment and other measures. So for young people, if you want to go to the hospital, first you need to call the COVID-19 hotline. If the hotline is not available, call your family doctor. If that doesn’t work, call our Consulate General for help....
How long does natural immunity last after a COVID-19 infection? Early on, researchers thought that natural immunity toCOVID-19only lasted forabout 2 to 3 monthsbefore fading. As the pandemic continued, experts started finding evidence that natural immunity could last forlongerafter infection. But ...