It's now used to disinfect dialysis equipment, some surgical equipment, surfaces in hospitals and medical labs, and even some medical waste. The food processing industry uses chlorine bleach to kill hazardous bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonella and E. coli on equipment. Sodium hypochlorite also ...
Those that work in hospitals and larger labs will have a higher job outlook, as there will be more patients and more samples to do. Though those that work in smaller labs and doctor’s offices shouldn’t fear, the baby boomer generation is getting older, which means that more people are ...
But, as I reminded myself, taking a chance on that kidney might mean that someone on dialysis would have the opportunity to truly live again. Just as important, someone had bestowed this precious gift to the living. It was my job to make this legacy a reality. I asked the allocation co...
This practice allowed scientists to use a microbe’s cell machinery to crank out proteins that in some cases became blockbuster drugs like Epogen, now commonly used to boost red-blood-cell production for those with anemia or on dialysis—or, um, in the Tour de France. Larger-scale synthetic...