F. (2003). "How linear are auditory cortical responses?", in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 109-116 (MIT Press). (cited on p. 37.)Sahani, M., & Linden, J. F. (2003). How linear are auditory cortical responses? In S. Becker, S. Thrun, & K. ...
Google Share on Facebook AECF (redirected fromAuditory Evoked Cortical Field) AcronymDefinition AECFAnnie E. Casey Foundation(children's and family advocates; New Mexico) AECFAfrica Enterprise Challenge Fund(private sector fund) AECFAdvanced Electronics/Computer Field(US Navy) ...
We focus primarily on cerebellar cortex responses, as nodulus/uvula Purkinje cells reliably encode translation rather than net gravito-inertial acceleration. In contrast, neurons in the vestibular and rostral fastigial nuclei, as well as the ventral lateral and ventral posterior nuclei of the thalamus...
Since the brain was found to be somehow flexible, plastic, researchers worldwide have been trying to comprehend its fundamentals to better understand the brain itself, make predictions, disentangle the neurobiology of brain diseases, and finally propose
While these transformations are not thought to occur in a stringently linear and consecutive way, following the idea of a dynamical gestalt of the self-pattern, but to rather unfold in a nonlinear and iterative process represented in our model (Fig.1). Although the transformations are laid out...
Adult visual performance differs with angular location –it is better for stimuli along the horizontal than vertical, and lower than upper vertical meridian of the visual field. These perceptual asymmetries are paralleled by asymmetries in cortical surface area in primary visual cortex (V1). Children...
In the Where cortical process, transient responses to inputs are integrated before they activate an ordered spatial map that selectively responds to the number of events in a sequence and exhibits Weber law properties. Numerical comparison arises from activity pattern changes across the spatial map ...
Motor Planning Modulates Neural Activity Patterns in Early Human Auditory Cortex Daniel J GaleCorson N. AreshenkoffClaire Honda...Jason P. Gallivan Cerebral Cortex Jan 2021 It is well established that movement planning recruits motor-related cortical brain areas in preparation for the forthcoming actio...
In this manner, the authors managed to control the activation of fear memory without a conditioned stimulus—in this case, a sound associated with a footshock— or inhibited fear responses upon auditory stimulation (Wolff et al., 2014). In a separate study, the photosensitive ChR2 ...
Nevertheless, further studies have to address direct rest-task interaction integrating these alternative measures that are highly informative for deepening the interaction between endogenous activity and task-induced responses. Secondly, it can be argued that AI is not a region primarily involved in the...