Here's what this is all about:My name is Wayne Mullins, and I was your basic "struggling" lawn company owner. I had a love/hate relationship with the lawn industry - some days I'd be excited to get up and get on my mower, maybe even occasionally bragging about owning my own lawn ...
Thanks so much and apologies for the late reply! Hi Kara, you are correct that the Visitor visa does not offer a pathway to citizenship. One of the (many) requirements for a citizenship application is 5 years of paying taxes, but under the visitor visa, you will be tax-filin...
early, lunch, late. However if you are going in to see people other than the recruiter, you have to understand that the recruiter isn’t the one setting the time, he/she has to work with the availability of all involved and often managers are traveling or just booked so you grab whate...
NJIT allowed its students to take art classes at the nearby Rutgers University, which Trinidad took advantage of to prove his aptitude for creative work to himself, and his parents. “To them, me going into the arts meant that I was going to work a crappy job at Kinkos for the rest of...