个人读下来的感受是“虎头蛇肚松鼠尾巴”。前两章重点论述西方古希腊古罗马和古代犹太教,也即before christ的神格形成,进行了非常提纲挈领的归纳总结:天生的,混血的和赏赐提拔的。东西方的共同特点是都具备神的金字塔体系,只是犹太教的Lord与金字塔的底座时间的跃迁更明显——底座呈现波性的,而Lord则体现了粒子性。第...
New York Times bestselling author and Bible expert Bart Ehrman reveals how Jesus’s divinity became dogma in the first few centuries of the early church. The claim at the heart of the Christian faith is that Jesus of Nazareth was, and is, God. But this is not what the original disciples...
基督教认为弥撒亚可以受辱,再升天;基督教认为犹太人不承认God派来的Christ,就是背叛上帝,开始了反犹 TGC_6522_Lect24_HowJesusBecameGod P22 - 30:45
《How Jesus Became God》(Ehrman, Bart D.)内容简介: A stirring testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of music, Violins of Hope t...
Daniel Ebert explains how Old Testament wisdom motifs are not only appropriated in New Testament Christology but also far surpassed in God's Son.Daniel J. EbertP & R PublishingDaniel J. Ebert, Wisdom Christology: How Jesus Becomes God's Wisdom for Us (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2011 )...
"How Jesus Became God" Christ's Dual Nature - Proto-Orthodoxy (TV Episode 2014) Bart D. Ehrman as Self - Host
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For me the most radical demand of Christian faith lies in summoning the courage to say yes to the present risenness of Jesus Christ. — Brennan Manning 11 Again, I hear almost everyday from atheists who write off religion as primitive, premodern nonsense. I summon Aquinas, Augustine, Pau...
Christians say that Jesus is the only way to God because Jesus Himself said He was the only way to God. It is Jesus’ claim, not our invention. Consider these verses where Christ eliminates alternative ways to God: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the ...
How did Jesus make you acceptable to God? Well, first, here's the age-old problem: God is perfect, and people are not. So how could a perfect God let imperfect people into a perfect place called heaven? Something had...