【How It Should Have Ended/油管搬运 】速度与激情6应该如何结束 1468 -- 4:12 App 【中字自翻/HISHE】毒液变成了女孩子? 《毒液》应该如何结束 70 -- 6:05 App 《银河护卫队》应该如何终结——油管知名搞笑系列How It Should Have Ended 930 -- 2:20 App 【指环王应该怎样完结】YouTube搬运 How Lord...
Often, How It Should Have Ended’s changes point out the more obvious, logical response that characters likely would have had if the movie was a bit more realistic. However, the YouTube channel’s satire is soft enough that it’s clear the point of each video isn’t to mock the movie...
https://www.youtube.com/user/HISHEdotcom 喜欢本女子翻译作品,请【点赞】【硬币】【收藏】【加关注】支持!我将更加努力up(=?ω?=) 油管知名搞笑系列How It Should Have Ended作品 原名:HISHE UPDATE - Free Comic Book Day 译名:他的免费漫画书更新日 ...
The new How it Should Have Ended parody video pokes fun at The Last Jedi's controversial plot twists and merciless killing off of beloved characters.
HISHE 电影恶搞 "它应有何种结局 How It Should Have Ended" 立即播放 播单创建者 Youtube品味精选 北大英文系蛋疼学生原创中英文字幕。收集最具教育意义或娱乐价值的YouTube热门视频。微博:@YouTube品味精选。http://weibo.com/youtubefan 订阅 播放 24.0万 粉丝 1,010 视频 0...
We hope you like it! Check out our website: http://www.howitshouldhaveended.com Special help from Animator Brian Andersen: http://www.youtube.com/user/sonicsnout How It Should Have Ended Comedy Series Inception Nolan Sci Fi Action Animation Animated Leonardo DiCaprio Joseph Gordon-Levitt ...
This one's for Spartaaaaaaaaa! In typical HISHE fashion, the crew retells the tale of the mighty 300. Did it really have to be so tough for those Spartans? How will you know if you don't watch? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYVuiDgCNho...
Live streaming an event may appear tricky if you’re new to the field. However, it’s pretty straightforward once you get the hang of it. The main thing is to invest in the right gear and create a solid plan; the rest comes easily. ...
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