Many people act as editors. If they see an error on a page they are reading, they correct it. If they can make a small addition that is helpful, they will do it on the spot. Several hundred visitors who have been contributing to Wikipedia for a period of time are granted wiki adminis...
The movie may say that Hiccup and Toothless have a true friendship, but it really doesn't look it at all. Toothless is at best his pet, at worst his servant. Read all 12 books and their relationship at the end feels true and earned. Not to mention Hiccup calling Toothless bud every ...
It has never been revealed how, where, or why Toothless and this Whispering Death developed a grudge for one another in the first place. However, the game,, hinted that the story behind their grudge might be revealed in a later season ofRace to the Edge; this was later proved to be fa...
Wikipedia’sNebi Musa pagereads like an apology for public violence and murder. At no point in the page is it clearly stated this was an anti-Jewish riot. It is unlikely that anyone reading the page will understand what happened on that day. Rather than talk about the violence and murders...
Barney believed that Ted went along with Barney's lie and got Audrey to give Barney her number. Even though the number was fake, Barney considered it a sign that he and Ted were meant to be each other's wingmen forever. The gang often ponders why they are friends with Barney but do ...
However, the best thing that’s ever happened in my life that highlights your point is when I was younger and used to go out to the dance club. There was this guy named Felipe who was, well, a very pretty man; just gotta call it out that way. The ladies used to literally run to...
WikiLeaks: How the world is really runDavid RothkopfForeign Policy
(happened where I work). If you really need to share "local development setup" then it is - IMO - better to educate developers via a Wiki. They'll learn from setting up their own datasources for development purpose rather than assuming it is all black magic. I've ...
It’s really something that we can tell ourselves, reassure ourselves, that when something goes horribly wrong and we accidentally get press coverage for something that was a mistake we made or something bad that happened, we can tell ourselves, “Well, OK, we’ve got to correct the mistake...
It looks likes WIkiLeaks' promise to work with tech companies may come with a few strings attached.