链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1KLj4HfS0lprAw50JsLABTA 提取码: 4zbc 送TA礼物 1楼2022-09-06 01:12回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示0...
How It's Made: With Brooks Moore, Tony Hirst, Lynne Adams, Lynn Herzeg. Television series that documents how various everyday products are made.
探索频道《造物小百科How it’s Made》的王牌节目将带领我们见证700多款产品的制作过程。意大利面、糖果...
造物小百科《How it's Made 》(6~10季)|少儿英语|阿卡索英语学习论坛www.acadsocclub.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=11629 Discovery的王牌节目《How it's Made》将带领我们亲眼目睹数千种产品的生产过程。从我们日常生活经常接触到的面食,糖果等;到高端技术如计算机,汽车,飞机等,几乎无所不包。 俗语说...
喜欢看《How it..《How it's made》中文名:如何制作出来、造物小百科、制造的原理。是Discovery频道的节目,几乎涵盖了所有的制造技术。节目介绍:发达国家展示顶尖现代化制造过程,产品涉及各行各业,从Fo
制造的原理 ( How It's Made ) 目录: 101.铝箔,滑雪板,隐形眼镜,面包 102.光碟,奶酪,长统丝袜,荧光灯管 103.牙签,浴缸,直升飞机,啤酒 104.助听器,三维拼图,橡胶再生,冲水马桶 105.打印脂牛仔裤,电脑,平板玻璃 106.钉子,护目镜,布匹,自行车 107.皮划艇,安全靴,电子招牌,萨其马 ...
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Here's the first: Go to the main repository page, and click Releases on the lower right-hand side. A new page will pop up showing releases from newest to oldest. Choose the release you want to download, and click Assets to expand. Click the zip file to download it. The second ...
Here’s how to change the format of a video. Step1. Download and install the software Click one of the buttons below to get the installation file. Open it and follow the on-screen instructions. Then, the program will launch automatically. ...