How issues get framed and reframed when different communities meet: a multi-level analysis of a collaborative soit conservation initiative in the Ecuadorian Andes. J. Community & Appl. Soc. Psychol., 14, 177-192.Dewulf, A. Craps, M. & G. Dercon (1994). How issues get framed and re...
Traditional educational assessments are framed towards summative purpose (for testing, grading, evaluation) while the more recent constructivist learning theories are more concerned with social and cultural constructions which promote student learning and improvement. According to Shepard (2000), this introduc...
airport and elephant examples show. The question for communicators is “what frame/s are you using?” If you don’t know it’s worth taking a moment to think about how you have framed your communications. To be effective you
Don’t stress…there’s a new kid on the block to help you out: The HTML5 Sandbox. But before I get to that, let’s quickly review IFRAME element issues.A black boxEmbedding content with an IFRAME is like announcing a party publically on Facebook. You think you know who you invited...
Greg Wilpert: Now, finally, what would you say needs to change in the way debates are organized for debate questions to be framed in a better way? Julie Hollar: Well, first of all, I mean one thing that FAIR has been calling for for a long time is to have different people asking ...
“Suddenly it all comes down, all at once. You see what you are, what you have done, or, more accurately, what you haven’t done…You remember everything now, and your heart breaks. Too late. You are compromised beyond repair.
51or communicates moral values50and social identities inconsistent with the audience. Moral- and identity-based reasons will likely best motivate behavior when nature and environmentalism are framed in terms of broader, more inclusive moral values or identities52and in ways that are congruent with a ...
These are framed based on some assumptions of the researcher. These questions make assumptions based on what the researcher knows instead of the respondents’ level of knowledge who’ll take the survey. That’s why they may make sense to the researcher while the respondents could feel lost ...
This brings us to the next problem with customer service, where it is internal barriers are leading to behaviors that are detracting businesses from promoting a customer-centric culture. Reasons: Check these top reasons why customer-centricity issues are not being addressed: ...
We tend to think of this question in simple terms: They either do affect how people think and act—or they don’t. The truth is somewhere in between. Facts do matter and do have persuasive power—but only if they are well framed. FrameWorks CEO Nat Kendall-Taylor explains why. ...