Further, in relation to your debts being paid from your estate prior to distribution, the Islamic Will also includes payment of any outstanding obligations between yourself and Allah as a debt to be paid, such as outstanding zakat or expiations for unfulfilled oaths. The Will also stipulates ...
The idea of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an important one over the last few decades, gradually evolving to reach today’s understanding. However, recent studies have suggested that this understanding of CSR and the way in which it is implemented differs across countries, and t...
Kalkulator ZakatDigital Tasbih untuk Dhikr HarianHisnul Muslim / Doa HarianKalender Hijriah MuslimArtikel Blog PendidikanPanduan Haji & UmrahMakkah LivePencari Makanan HalalPencari MasjidTersedia dalam Berbagai Bahasa. Aplikasi Muslim Pro, termasuk Al-Quran, telah diterjemahkan sepenuhnya ke: Bahasa ...