"Our experts specialize in various tropical fruits like bananas, mangoes, and pineapples. Their expertise covers everything from seedling cultivation and management to pest and disease control, water and fertilizer management, good agricultural practices, product processing, and even agricultural economics,...
it’s also time to pot them up. “Potting up” is basically just a fancy way of saying that you’re moving your seedling to a larger pot. I use and re-usethese plastic potsall the time. If you don’t need a ton of pots, check your local dollar store for affordable options. ...
Step 3: Water, cover, and have patience:Once your seeds are planted, lightly mist the surface of the growing medium with the spray bottle. Now, cover your seed-starting pots or trays with clear plastic lids or clear plastic wrap and position the planted containers on top of a seedling hea...
Growing indoors is much more private than growing outdoors and you also get more control over your grow. Indoor cannabis grow can be surprisingly cheap to get started and maintain, especially if you plan on growing just a few plants.
When you’re growing with the sun, you need to make sure that your plants are getting at least 8+ hours of direct sunlight each day for the best results. It’s best that your plants get direct sunlight from at least 10am-4pm, and more light is better. Because of the high light ne...
Growing chickpeas requires little maintenance and offers high yields in warm climates. Learn about variety and field selection, planting, and harvest success.
But not all green or bunching onions will grow bulbs if allowed to mature. So when you select an onion to grow in your garden, make sure you get the type of onion you want—bulbing or bunching. Here is your complete guide to growing onions. Bulbing onions...
Plan your 2025 garden with our award-winning Garden Planner. Try Now Zucchini is known to be staggeringly productive. But there are some pitfalls, such as poor pollination and pests, to avoid if you wish to have a prolific harvest. In our growing guide, we’ll cover planting through harves...
You’re here because you want to learn how to grow weed indoors and are interested in a free “online class” about growing marijuana. Despite what you may have heard, growing your own cannabis is actually pretty easy once you have the right information. Anyone with the will to grow, a ...
They are little versions of adult flowers that appear on your marijuana plants relatively early in the vegetative stage. When I first started growing weed, I learned (incorrectly) that there is no way to determine a cannabis plant’s sex until the flowering stage. But I’ve since learned ...