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And if I think that your script's in decent shape, you'll have the confidence to finish the damn decent shape:状态良好柯林斯英语释义:If someone or something is in shape, or in good shape, they are in a good state of health or in a good condition. If they are in bad shap...
let us know what the problem is within one day of your arrival. We ll spend 24 hours doing everything possible to sort the problem out. In the unlikely event that we can t resolve your problem and make you happy within 24 hours, ...
100. Is a Native English Teacher Better for You Here's My Advice 04:16 101. How do you use GET in English as a phrasal verb 11:59 102. When to Use DO in the English Conversation 06:13 103. Best English Grammar Lesson - Use Going to & Will for the FUTURE 10:31 104. Imp...
This is the most popular stereotype about France, and the French people that see a lot of tourists are really tired of these questions.问当地人是否喜欢青蛙腿或蛤蜊。这是关于法国最流行的刻板印象,和不少游客打过交道的法国人早已厌倦了这些问题。 Reminding them about the Nazi occupation. The occupa...
Numberone, IhavefeltallofthosethingsinmyFrenchandnumbertwo, thoseareallthingsthatmystudentshavesaidtomewhentheyfirststartedlearningwithme.第一,我在学习法语的过程中也有以上的感受,第二,这些都是我的学生第一次和我一起学习时对我说的话。Sointoday'slesson, Iwanttosharefivereasonsthatyoumightbestuckin...
Quiandqueare the most often confused relative pronouns, probably because one of the first things French students learn is thatquimeans "who" andquemeans "that" or "what." In fact, this is not always the case. The choice betweenquiandqueas a relative pronoun has nothing to do with the ...
How do you say “to chop wood” in french? I think “couper” would work, but I am not confident it is the right word to use. 这个在 法语 (法国) 里怎么说? 查看翻译 AI_monga 6月3日 Formal translation: Comment dit-on "couper du bois" en français ? Je pense que "couper"...
“Good evening” in French is bonsoir. When do you switch from bonjour to bonsoir? Around the end of the workday is when it’s generally acceptable to stop using bonjour and begin using bonsoir. Bonne soirée is what you can use to say goodbye and tell someone to have a good even...
We Should Learn French Lessons on How Much We Work