An abdominal myomectomyinvolves making a large incision in the abdomen to access the uterus and remove the fibroids. The surgery can also be performed laparoscopically, using a few small incisions into which surgical tools and a camera are inserted. Fibroids might grow back after surgery. Can in...
How Secure are Laparoscopically Placed Clips An In Vitro and In Vivo Study M. Timothy Nelson, MD; Masanobu Nakashima, MD; Sean J. Mulvihill, MD, Arch Surg vol. 127, Jun. 1992.Nelson MT, Nakashima M, Mulvihill SJ. How secure are laparoscopically placed clips? An in ...
significant physiological stress on an already psychologically stressed patient—recover a preovulatory oocyte, bring about its fertilization and cleavage (evidently in suboptimal culture conditions), and transfer the embryo to the uterus within that same woman's cycle (and deploying a tenaculum at ET...
Discusses the ways to reduce the cost of laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy. Patients of the study; Surgical technique and postoperative management used in the study; Results of the study; Discussion.ArowojoluA.O.RandleG.R.Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology...
It was concluded that the laparoscopically assisted procedure is associated with a low complication rate and quick recovery but takes longer to perform. Ways to reduce the cost of the operation are discussed.doi:10.3109/01443619409027634A.Obstetrics...
Background: Despite the proven advantages of vaginal hysterectomies compared to abdominal hysterectomies the latter is still very common for the therapy of benign disorders, although it could be replaced by laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy. The aim of this study is to describe the rate ...
How and when to operate laparoscopicallyIvo A. Brosens
Laparoscopically-guided liver biopsy was performed to make the diagnosis in a 54-year old female patient with clinical and serological signs of both non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Figure A shows a sample from the right liver lobe (HE, 20x) with a blue-...
laparoscopic cholecystectomyadhesiolysisPurpose: This study aimed to explore the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic retreatment for residual gallbladders following open techniques, and outline strategies for successful reintervention.doi:10.1097/SLE.0000000000000436Xu, Anan...
laparoscopic cholecystectomyadhesiolysisPurpose: This study aimed to explore the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic retreatment for residual gallbladders following open techniques, and outline strategies for successful reintervention.Xu, AnanHu, HaiZhao, GangJiao, Long...