'Prototype' models of concept formation have been popular in recent years, in spite of several misgivings. In this paper a new model, called the contingency model, is introduced which meets some of these misgivings, and suggests that the empirical success of prototype models in the past may ...
Essentially, anything that you create using your mind is intellectual property. Intellectual property examples are: Art and Designs Literary works Music Symbols, images, and names used for businessesIntellectual property is that which has been created by the human mind, either intellectual or creative...
The present study was designed to understand and optimize self-assessment accuracy in cognitive skill acquisition through example-based learning. We focuse
Debate the concept of the Tragedy of the Commons and how it relates to self-interest and other-interest. How do cause groups influence how Congress will invest its resources in controlling potential problems in the budgetary process? Which refers ...
Informed consent in research with special populations is key for providing accurate information on a study so participants can make informed decisions. Explore the definition of informed consent and how it applies to children, pregnant women, adults with impairments, and inmates. Related...
the elephant is our immensely powerful but uncritical, intuitive self. The rider is our conscious self, trying to direct the elephant where to go. The rider thinks it’s always in charge, but it’s the elephant doing the work; if the elephant disagrees with the rider, the elephant usually...
The concept of discursive field has been developed from a number of vantages (e.g. Maingueneau, 1999; Keller, 2011; Rear, 2013; Angermuller, 2018) and is here taken to refer to the totality of the discourse produced in a field. Examining how the meaning and form of economic theory ar...
This is a domain. Think of your domain as the address to your house. A lot of beginners get stuck on this phase. They procrastinate, hoping to find aperfect domain name. The hard truth? There’s no such thing. For us, we wanted a domain that was memorable but self-explanatory. We ...
and substantiating arguments, and deepening their knowledge through various forms of discovery, investigation, and research methods. They apply their academic knowledge to practical situations;MIS students' learning process is ...
Once you have your first Memory Palace drawing, you’re better equipped to understand how the technique works. The fundamental concept of the Memory Palace Technique is to associate pieces of information that you wish to remember with parts of a location that you are very familiar with. This ...