How is the Senate majority leader elected? How are members of the party in the electorate selected in the United States? Who appoints the head of the Department of Justice? How does the Department of Justice help the president? Who appoints the Speaker of the House?
"There is general satisfaction and comprehensive acceptance of the policies pursued by the Chinese state ... tangible results that are reflected in the reality of the lives of hundreds of millions of Chinese people," Ahmed Bahaa El-Din Shaaban, secretary-general of the Egyptian Socialist Party,...
MIAMI- AsMarco Rubioemerges as a likely candidate forsecretary of statein a secondTrump administration, his hardline stance onVenezuelawill likely shape U.S. foreign policy toward the troubled nation. Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants, would become the first Hispanic to ever serve as the nation...
The Cuban president says Trump’s decision to redesignate Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism is an act of “arrogance and contempt for the truth.” “It is not surprising. His goal is to continue strengthening the cruel economic war against Cuba for the purpose of domination,” Cuban Pres...
U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio may have hoped to spend his first trip abroad focused exclusively on issues close to his heart: immigration, counternarcotics and curbing Chinese influence in the Western Hemisphere.
The plenum approved the secretary, deputy secretaries and members of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) of the CPC elected at the first plenary session of the 20th CCDI. The new central leadership was elected as the great transformation in the first ...
In May 2018, Nicolas Maduro was re-elected in Venezuela's presidential election. However, under the pretext of "democracy" and "human rights," the United States, together with its allies and Venezuela's opposition, refused to recognize the legitimacy of Maduro's government. On Jan. 23, 2019...
Adding “LLC” to the end of your name is not enough to differentiate it from a C corporation with the same name. You can check if your preferred name is available by running a search on the Missouri Secretary of State’s website. Your name must include the entity type. A Missouri ...
Takes time and money.The business of setting up an S corp requires time and money. The business owner must submitarticles of incorporationwith the Secretary of State in the state where their company is based. The corporation must obtain a registered agent for the business and pay other fees a...
Lead Art: Pam Bondi is a longtime Trump ally and after he was elected in 2016, her name was floated for various jobs in the administration but it never panned out. | Mandel Ngan/Getty Images Nov 2024 Matt Gaetz praises Trump's AG replacement pick Pam Bondi They worked together when ...