Camp almost directly under dead center Path of Totality Get you Solar Eclipse Tickets HERE The blue line, Right by us, is the Center Path of Totality. OK, this is a shameless ad, BUT, Will and I have been planning on seeing this eclipse now for two years, and Hey, we have found th...
life for those affected and therefore must be taken into account.3 INVESTING IN THE FUTURE While it is crucial for the future of digital health to have some form of infrastructure in place, decision makers cannot overlook that health is not just determined by medi- cal care and health ...
I will attempt to write down words, reaching deeper, exploring with mind and heart, as God allows me the amazing privilege of boldly entering His presence where joy is seated and faith is activated. On Earth As it is In Heaven The Lord is “God in the heavens above and on the earth b...
The word mindless is often thrown around to mean acting in an aloof way or without thought. It's usually used inisolatedsituations in which someone does something absent-minded. But Harvard social psychology professor Ellen Langer1says that many people are actually mindless most of the time. Lan...
Many people would say no, but if you consider that mindlessness is a state of not focusing on the present moment and instead on either the past or the future, it's easy to see that many people are mindless for large portions of their day, as Langer suggests. ...
In subsequent revisions of his central ideas, Darwin did not make more concrete how to conceptualize or construct the TOL. Despite the appeal of other aspects of Darwinian thinking for many biologists of the era, the TOL did not immediately stimulate many efforts to represent the totality of ...
If a manager treats an employee like a machine then the most they can hope for in that direction is an autonomous non thinking “machine response” of an “idiot savant” programed computer. Whilst a tireless mechanical robot response might have been what Henry Ford and “time and motion man...
Their experience of being different, but being determined to succeed, while also harboring anxieties of not being good enough, about self-sabotaging, about having to change, to adjust to the ‘master’s voice,’ is at the heart of what I am going to discuss here: namely, that higher educa...
Psst. Happy eclipse day! We’re in the path of totality today and will share pics onTwitter,Instagramand thee-newsletterif we get any good ones. Good Little Soldiers For years, I cared a lot about how I was perceived at work. I wanted to be sure people knew how loyal I was, how ...
Further, a game is meant to be played with integrity. Using shortcuts (non passive income streams), someone else's income as a supplement (spouse), or one-offs (capital gains) does not count. The primary purpose of any game is to bring enjoyment to the player and beat the boss. ...