Since establishing a beachhead in the North Sea port of Aberdeen nearly a decade ago, BrewDog has opened scores of wildly popular bars—bare brick, spray-painted graffiti—across the United Kingdom and around the world: Tokyo, Helsinki, Rome, São Paulo. Currently, the company is building T...
“also pushes me — as a self-professed ‘control freak’ — to let go and allow the yeast to do its thing in its own time. Bread’s fermentation can’t always be slowed down or rushed to fit the schedule I want — but that is what bread is!
But God came through for me this year, around February, I started going to Church. In my sister church they had a program for women praying for the fruit of the womb and I followed her to her church, while praying, the pastor came to me and said “Sister who did this to you?” ...
Hence, one important future goal lies in deciphering the unknown glyco-code of various bacteria-receptor interactions in the mucosal compartment and their functional implications, for example for inter-species and inter-kingdom competition and communication. A future area of study also needs to ...
- This is a military intelligence forecast regarding the global earth changes that will occur in the time frame of 2012-2050. It is given by a former intelligence officer. It reveals the deception behind the myth of global warming, and discusses the tr
For me, the event was a chance to spend quality time with fellow brewers I don’t get to see often–the event is located near the geographic center of the Kingdom, so attracts people from all over. I also took it upon myself to clear a little clutter from my cellar. A Miscellany ...