DBIE - Database on Indian Economy. Looking for abbreviations of DBIE? It is Database on Indian Economy. Database on Indian Economy listed as DBIE
Not All Gloom and Doom for Indian Economy ; Is the Economy Chugging along or Nearly Stalled? Depends on How You Look at ItBt, Team
“We’re often very puzzled after wrapping up those meetings. We really want to escape them,” an executive close to Foxconn said. “Apple wants the price of components to go into their Indian-assembled iPhones to be the same as in China . . . but how is that going to be possible?
Every economy targets self-sufficiency in order to reduce its foreign dependence and increase its economic and diplomatic power in the global market. The role of the public is crucial in this economic policy as only when the population is ready to buy local, the economy can grow....
(when an ageing population will start to drag on growth) to catch up with rich countries. 2050 is also the scheduled finale for Muhammad Bin Salman’s reforms. Saudi Arabia’s crown prince wants to transform his country from an oil producer into a diversified economy. Other smaller countries...
As India’s population of 1.4 billion people becomesthe world’s largest,, its GDP is forecast to expand dramatically. Goldman Sachs Research projects India will have the world’s second-largesteconomy by 2075. For India, a key to realizing the potential of that growing population ...
The government focused on developing its heavy industry sector but this emphasis was eventually deemed unsustainable. India began to loosen its economic restrictions in 1991 and an increased level of liberalization led to growth in the country's private sector. India is considered a mixed economy in...
A healthy economy is one where both exports and imports are experiencing growth. This typically indicates economic strength and a sustainable trade surplus or deficit. It may indicate that foreign economies are in better shape than the domestic economy if exports are growing but imports have declined...
The development in Indian economy brings the question of validity of the twin deficit hypothesis. The main aim of the article is theoretical and empirical analysis of the causal relationship between the budget deficit and the current account deficit in the Indian economy from the period 1990-2013....
Fiat money is a government-issued currency that is not backed by a commodity such as gold. Fiat money gives central banks greater control over the economy because they can control how much money is printed. Most modern paper currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, are fiat currencies. ...