The golden rule with any ISA move is always totransferyour money. Don’t just go“sod it!”and withdraw your cash in a flounce. If you transfer your ISA to another provider, your assets retain their tax-free status. If you just withdraw the money they don’t. Find out how totransfer...
It is known that, besides SO2, high FSC in HFO can also cause elevated PM emissions [Winnes and Fridell, 2009, Cordtz 2013]. Therefore, in most studies, the focus has been on the physicochemical properties of particles in relation to various FSCs [e.g. Lehtoranta et al., 2019, Win...
Trouble is, I don’t have the brains to figure out what the figures would need to be, i can envisage tricky estimations of inflation and potential returns and the like. Another thing which seems like a no-brainer is to add extra to the pension pot so you can extract the max tax free...