See how a top-secret formula from 1792 compares to what really
Originally a calendar for farmers and gardeners to plan for the year ahead, the Almanac is a tool revered by anyone who watches the weather—from outdoor enthusiasts, travelers, and economists to truckers, shippers, and skywatchers—and everyone in between. Read on to learn about our unique, ...
TheFarmers’ Almanacis a well-known publication that has been around for centuries. It is widely respected for its accurate weather predictions and forecasts. But how does theFarmers’ Almanacpredict the weather? Baseball legend Yogi Berra once famously said, “it’s tough to make predictions, es...
For spring 2025, Phil's predictions might be accurate in some parts of the country but wrong in others. Meteorological spring is on March 1, and the spring equinox happens on March 20 in the Northern Hemisphere. And while warmer weather is expected to move in from the southern Planes to ...
hunting, fishing, and other social activities. Think of the “Harvest Moon” in the autumn, so named because it provided several nights of light for farmers to gather in their crops at the height of harvest. Every month, the nights leading up to a full Moon bring more light to the ...
Here is a complete guide to everything you need to know about how to work and communicate asynchronously in a remote work environment. Learn more!
Predictions computed a few days ahead of time are usually accurate within a few minutes. However, they can change due to the slow decay of the space station's orbit and periodic reboosts to higher altitudes. Check frequently for updates. Some passes are superior to others. If the ISS is ...
Predictions computed a few days ahead of time are usually accurate to within a few minutes. However, they can change due to the slow decay of the object's orbit, so check frequently for updates. Another great site is this one, which provides real-time satellite tracking and shows you at ...
the May through October has been the worst six month period for the S&P 500, averaging a return of just 1.4%. In the other months, the average is 6.6%. The almanac advocates for this sort of rotational portfolio, or at least shows the results of a portfolio were you to rotate in and...
* Banks (short-term) - Unsecured loans (for established, financially sound companies only) - Loans secured by: Accounts Receivable Inventory Equipment * Banks (long-term) - Loans secured by: Real Estate - Loans guaranteed by: Small Business Administration (SBA) Farmers Home Administration (FmHA...