Smooth the joint.Once the caulk is in place, smooth down the caulk with an appropriate tool or rag. Do not use your finger as that might contaminate the caulk, reducing its lifespan. For latex caulk, you can just use the tool/rag and water. For silicone, you may want to use alcohol...
Some people push the gun and caulk, while others prefer to pull it -- whatever works best for you. Some people will mask off the edges of the joint in order to be able to peel off the excess, but that is pretty time-consuming.You can clean up the slops with your finger or a ...
We Fortify: We’ll do everything we can to keep roaches out--seal, caulk, plug, and secure gaps and cracks. We Keep Watch: We’ll treat the interior of your home and install pest monitors in critical areas such as kitchens, baths, utility rooms, and garages. We Report: We’ll ...
If you scrape, sand, or remove old paint, you may release lead dust or fumes. LEAD IS TOXIC. EXPOSURE TO LEAD DUST OR FUMES CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS, SUCH AS BRAIN DAMAGE, ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN. PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD ALSO AVOID EXPOSURE. Wear a properly fitted NIOSH-approved respirator a...
You can seal draughts around window and door frames with strips or caulk, while fitting your hot water cylinder with an insulating jacket could save £40 a year, according to the Energy Saving Trust. You can also take on more significant and expensive insulation measures, such as refreshing ...
1. Wash the spice jars to make sure they are clean. 2. Make sure the magnets don’t repel each other. The easiest way to do this is to line up the spice jars and place the magnets on where they will be glued. In my case, this was on the bottom of the spice tins. If you ha...
Maybe it’s confusing to do. My inbox gets at least one question about it per day. But I promise you, making your doors a part of a room’s design is so worth the hour or two it takes to paint. This post will show you the best way to make your painted doors durable. Table ...
If you use the dip, the best way to use it up is to coordinate with friends who have tools. It was originally sold in hardware stores to do the foam rubber handles on pliers. Just use it for your slippers then have hubby dip his tools and round up any friends who want to do the...
You can purchase boric acid as a powder and lightly dust it in the cracks you can't seal off with caulk, such as under sinks and appliances and behind cabinets. Roach baits in gel form also work well in those tricky spaces, luring the insects to them and poisoning them. Don't apply ...
Another effective measure to keep these insects out of your home is to eliminate their hiding spots. Cockroaches love to reside in crevices, so sealing any gaps or cracks around your house can go a long way in preventing their entry. Be vigilant about checking the items you bring into your...