Using dynamic panel models, the paper finds that Russia's output fluctuations are an important driver of output fluctuations of countries in the region, especially for oil importers, and are transmitted increasingly via trade and market confidence channels. The magnitude of cross-border spillovers is...
Russia’s GDP is $1.66 trillion, which ranks it as #11 worldwide. Its economy is driven mostly by exports of commodities. Rises inoil priceswill support growth as it is a fundamental aspect of Russia’s economy. The Central Bank of Russia has stated that if oil prices fall below $40 p...
Gaidar and the other bright young Western-oriented economists at the moment of their triumphant assignment as architects of economic reform for a newly independent Russia.Robert LegvoldForeign AffairsA˚ slund, A., 1995. How Ru...
Hundreds and thousands of skilled workers have left or fled the country, either to fight or find work elsewhere - estimates range from 0.4% to 1.4% of Russia's workforce. This is weighing on economic growth, with the country's central bank warning recently: "The capacity to expand production...
The breakup of the Soviet Union and the attempted transformation of Russia into a democracy and a market economy constitute one of the most significant events of our time. A transformation could hardly be greater, yet judgments vary from failure to substantial achievement. This book clarifies that...
How Russia Became a Market Economy; Agricultural Landownership in Transitional Economies;No abstract is available for this item.doi:10.2307/1243874VerneW.HouseAm. J. Agr. Econ
Since the beginning of the war, access to reliable data on Russia’s economy has been severely limited, and the country’s authorities have published embellished and highly selective economic data. It is therefore difficult to precisely assess the effects of the sanctions. One study published in ...
Its share price is up a whopping 10% as it announced it would buy back another £500m of shares. Profits, however, fell to £2.3bn from £3.5bn a year earlier as global energy prices fell from the 2022 highs after Russia invaded Ukraine. ...
s trade balance, providing the hard currency necessary to stabilize its economy. A majority of oil is exported; thus, the country has a dependency on oil prices as oil revenue is a key determinant of fiscal health, shaping public spending, infrastructure projects, and Russia’s position in ...
invasion of Ukraine in 2022 prompted a U.S.-led global sanction regime against Russia that shut it out of the dollar and euro-based exchange systems.15Russia's economy has since done better than many analysts expected, but no country would want the calamities its economy has faced in the ...