Prices should be calculated based on the terms of sale including Free on Board (FOB), Cost, Insurance & Freight (CIF) and Cost & Freight (C&F), among others, considering all costs from sampling to realising export revenues. Your goal in developing export costing is to sell the most possi...
calculated for each test block following these adjustments. The difference in response latency between two critical consistent and two critical inconsistent blocks is calculated and divided by the standard deviation of the response latencies across the critical blocks combined, resulting in the IAT-Dscore...
(c,d) Two-dimensional free-energy profiles, calculated for the models that lack EF-Tu (c) and include EF-Tu (d). There is a drastic reduction in the range of accessible conformations of aa-tRNA when EF-Tu is bound to the ribosome. This leads to destabilization, and shift in position...
Prices should be calculated based on the terms of sale including Free on Board (FOB), Cost, Insurance & Freight (CIF) and Cost & Freight (C&F), among others, considering all costs from sampling to realising export revenues. Your goal in developing export costing is to sell the most possi...
Mechanisms causing negative associations between cell size and metabolic rate may involve reduced resource supply and/or demand in larger cells, but more research is needed. A cell-size perspective not only helps to explain some (but not all) variation in metabolic rate and its body-mass scaling...
These images were compared with the original image and the average color difference was calculated under CIE DE2000 formula. This average color difference was then processed and analyzed. A summary of the full process is shown in Figure 1. Energies 2017, 10, 518 Energies 2017, 10, 518 3 of...
The unigene expression level was calculated using the fragments per kilo bases per million reads (FPKM) method [18]. The threshold for significantly differentially expressed genes (DEGs) was set at a fold change ≥2.0 and a FDR value <0.001. DEG functions were explored through GO and KEGG ...
isiseeqquuaal ltotoaabboouutt4400◦°CC(E(Eqquuaatitoionn(2(2))):): TTc c=TTsusurrrr+PP×RRtt (2) (2) The thermographic analysis (Figure 2b) highlights how effectively the temperature value in the proximity of the voltage regulator can be compared to the calculated ...
I f : ExPr,i = Constant (49) The levelized cost rate is calculated from Equation (50): . Zi = CRF ×φr N × PWi (50) where the capital recovery factor is denoted as below: CRF = ir(1 + ir)nr (1 + ir)nr − 1 (51) In Equation (50), PWi is found by: PWi = Zi ...
This phenomenon, considered as thermo-induced hydrophilicity, is observed in the change of the water contact angle with the annealing temperature. Ye et al. [22] reported that the phenomenon can be explained by taking into account three aspects: 1) the cleansing effect, (2) the phase ...