The principle of the measurement is based on the following chemical reaction: The sulfuric acid removes the alcohol from the air into a liquid solution. The alcohol reacts with potassium dichromate to produce: chromium sulfate potassium sulfate acetic acid water The silver nitrate is a catalyst, ...
When this happens, all sort of things could go wrong, including ruptured blood vessels, which can lead to brain hemorrhage. Impact on Heart Medical professionals think heart failure is the cause of death in most upside-down fatalities, for much the same reason our brains can suffer: When you...
在1914 年,研究者们发现 柠檬酸钠这种化学物质可以通过 stopped blood coagulating by removing the calcium necessary for clot formation. 去除血液凝结所必须的钙物质 来防止血液结块。 Citrated blood could be stored for later use— 柠檬酸钠血可被储存下来 供之后使用—— the first step in making large ...
单纯IS减量在约 80%的患者中不成功,并且在面对增殖性疾病时也不够充分,因此可能需要同时或在IS减量后很快使用靶向或非靶向化疗药物,随后进行巩固性细胞治疗。当出现即将复发的临床迹象(如髓系或 T 细胞嵌合度下降或分子突变重新出现)但尚未出现明显形态学复发时,也可...
Certain hormones, like adrenaline (which is released when you are under stress) cause certain blood vessels to constrict, and this raises your blood pressure -- if you are under constant stress, your blood pressure goes up, and it means that your heart has to work too hard. Other things ...
What Is the Main Drawback of a High-Deductible Health Plan? You could potentially be on the hook for high out-of-pocket medical costs. You'll have to meet the deductible in your plan before the plan starts to kick in for covered costs. The plan will pay for preventive medical care suc...
Becoming a parent is both joyful and stressful. The arrival of a baby signals not only a shift in lifestyle and priorities, but also the need to care for another person in a way you may not have previously. This isn’t always easy for new parents to navigate, but a pediatr...
If a biosimilar is a biologic, then what is a biologic? Biological products can include a wide range of products including: vaccines blood components gene therapy tissues proteins, likemonoclonal antibodiesand cell signaling proteins. Unlike most chemically-derived small-molecule drugs, biological produc...
While millions of people across the country have been instructed to avoid nonessential errands, the Red Cross and other blood banks have put precautions in place. For example, the Red Cross is checking each person's temperature before they enter the building and keeping donors six feet ap...
There are now nine types of HIV drugs. They're grouped based on how they work to block HIV from making more copies of itself. What is the difference between NRTIs and NNRTIs? Both medicines target an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. NRTIs block this enzyme, while NNRTIs work by binding...