Sarrazin argued against immigration due to genetic hierarchies (between Germans and migrants) and cultural and demographic replacement of the native population (Downs2011; Piwoni2015), which was heavily scrutinised in the party congress (Lißmann2010; SPD2010...
A great deal has been talked lately about ‘the sovereignty of Parliament’, not least by Lords Heseltine, Patterson and co. (I don’t remember voting them into the HoL)., but also by Remainers in the Commons. What they seem to overlook is that Parliament has the power to delegate its...
Sean Kippinand the DA team assess the ways in which the UK’s four main security services are scrutinised, to ensure that they are operating legally and in the public interest. For matters that must be kept secret, ‘compromise’ forms of scrutiny have now been developed in Parliament. But...
The core executive and government should operate fully within the law, and ministers should be effectively scrutinised by and politically accountable to Parliament. Ministers and departments/agencies must also be legally accountable to the courts for their conduct and policy decisions...
While the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justicescrutinisedmultiple deals in 2023 and 2024, neither of the US Government bodies went so far as to bring a stop to tech deals through the means of enforcement action. Regulators in the country, however, have adopted a ...
Hindutva propaganda is a relentless online global machine that only becomes apparent when it’s scrutinised. In 2019 EU DisinfoLab revealed the existence ofa huge network of fake local news sitesset up purely to spread right wing, pro-Modi and anti-Pakistan misinformation. According to a Canadia...