Nuclear (mispronounced nuke-u-ler) 16 GIF sapient5 two people speaking with each other are having a conversation, a discussion. they are conversing, not “conversating” 17 GIF Dear_Hornet_2635 Specific/ Pacific seems to be spreading
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The name of the sandwich is pronounced differently than the gyro that refers to a gyrocompass or a gyroscope, but it too is etymologically about turning: it comes from the Greek gyros, meaning "turn," from the rotation of the meat on a spit. Andouille \ahn-DOO-ee, AHN-doo-ee\ play...
Clustering is a recurrent feature in light nuclei, from beryllium to nickel1, 2, 3. Cluster structures are typically observed as excited states close to the corresponding decay threshold ; the origin of this phenomenon lies in the effective nuclear interaction, but the detailed mechanism of ...
What is it called when you have a hobby where you're good enough at to impress others but you yourself know you're only beginning? Power series of the reciprocal of f defined as a power series Does launch on warning assume incoming ICBMs carry nuclear warheads? Top loading ...
It is the agreement finally achieved with the experimental data that justifies our approach a posteriori (Eich and Manz 2021). Like the liquid drop model in nuclear physics (Weizsäcker 1935; Bethe and Bacher 1936), also a data-driven semi-empirical model, the SepOS model provides a proper...
You're going to be fine, right, but there's people selling meals in buckets for the time when there's no bread left because there's no grain because nuclear holocaust. [00:51:36] Julian Walker: Yeah, it's so shamelessly opportunistic. We've identified now the hole in the market ...
This phylogeny was built using ML analysis of a 28-gene (20 nuclear, 8 mitochondrial) concatenated DNA matrix34. Molecular dating analyses were performed by integrating this molecular phylogeny with 16 primary fossil calibrations; divergence times were estimated using the mcmctree program in PAML 4.4...
Transportation What is a punkin chunkin? Pets Dogs Need to Wear Seat Belts, Too. Here's Why Military How No-fly Zones Work Military How the Machine Gun Revolutionized Warfare Space Interstellar Asteroid 'Oumuamua Has Loads More to Tell Us Military How Nuclear Bombs Work Environmental Scie...
Australian government paves way for nuclear waste dump in Northern Territory Minyama residents promise to keep fighting to stop McDonald's development Landless Workers Movement marches to Brasilia in protest Show more Sentence Add a sentence Translations of Promised Land Arabic : أرض ...