LRs (but not 95% CIs) can be calculated from the presented figures, and LR+ was 2.15 for PCR in NPA and 1.70 in BAL, which means only minor effects on pre- test probability. The study was retrospective and the material was selected (bronchoscopy needed). The positivity rate in NPA ...
Your CIBIL score is calculated based on your repayment history, behaviour, and credit limit in India. If you've had trouble making payments, your credit score will probably be lower than the average. However, a single delay will not affect your CIBIL score if you make a timely and consist...
get_nearest_words_via_sememes(self, word, K=10) Get the nearest K words to the target word with similarity calculated via sememes. word is the target word, K is "top K" in k nearest neighbors. get_sememe_relation(self, sememe0, sememe1) Get the relationship between two sememes. sem...
The percentile data can calculated and displayed in the term like percentile ranks is used to reporting the scores from norm-referenced tests for each percentile has different set of values like 25thpercentile is known as first quartile,the 50thpercentile as the median or second quartile and the ...
Banks collect money in a pool which is divided into small parts and then sold as securities. Buyers of securities get interest payments. These securities are called mortgage securities. .Answer and Explanation: The equity ratio is calculated by dividing shareholders equity by total...
If the company misses credit card bill payment or loan EMI by 90 days or more than 90 days, then it will be noted on the credit report and classified as non-performingassets(NPA) A late payment on the credit report is likely to stay for seven long years, affecting the company's future...
But the researchers also calculated what might come next: how long the bears could go on if they didn't find more calories somewhere. Some had the fat reserves to survive, but others, the numbers suggest, would approach starvation before the end o...
What didn't work is that I need to grab that single value and use it in a proc report as part of a calculation. Specifically, I need to calculate a new variable that uses this single value, along with the row sums that get calculated at proc report run time, within proc r...
The cyanine salt, 19, has the positive charge distributed over two remote N–C=CH fragments,and this is also supported by the NPA results [18]. This delocalization weakens the ion pairing (theHOESY spectrum [18]shows that the anion sits almost exactly between the two N-atoms such that ...
the economic and environmental impact indicators are monitored in the same graph.In a few cases eco-efficiency ratios can also be calculated(the economic indicators are divided by the environmental indicators).Output(= value added + intermediate consumption)is used as an economic indicator related to...