However, she also says that "anyone in careers where they are not only on their feet most of the day, but also spend a lot of time speaking or even singing can lose more fluid through respiration than the average person." See: Best Products for Summer Health Hazards What Should I Drink...
In the SR stage, the human response to danger is in full swing: Your pupils dilate, your heart rate and respiration go up and your muscles contract. At this point you are running for your life, lifting a car off another person or engaged in another above-average activity. In the case ...
These are then forwarded to the prefrontal cortex (PFC) for resolution (described later), then back through RAS processing for a ‘feasibility check.’ Ambiguous responses ‘hang up’ in the PFC until additional RF environmental stimuli or cortex memory input causes one to prevail and is executed...
Vagus nerve stimulation is thought to help reduce inflammation in the gut12and may help manage issues like constipation. By supporting normal digestion and helping to eliminate waste, it may help prevent gut dysbiosis (an imbalance of gut microbes), support nutrient absorption, and promote an overa...
Chest wall Tietze's syndrome or costochondritis is a self-limiting discomfort. Its quality is sharp or burning and is exacerbated by mechanical activity of the chest wall, specifically respiration; the second or third costal cartilages on either side are the most common area of involvement, but ...
We've described the difficulties of defining death. Thanks to medical technology, we can keep our bodies alive even when the brain is dead. To some, it's obvious at what point they want the plug pulled, and they might have legal documents outlining their choices. Documents such as a healt...
pH is a quick parameter to change in the fish tank setting as long as conditions are right. All-day long, pH is rising and falling depending on photosynthesis and respiration rates. This fluctuation can be as great as a 0.5 difference at times and is perfectly normal. ...
Therefore, it has an autonomic character; the cilium is con- trolled without sensors. The degree of control exhibited by the self- similarity of the cilium position and velocity all along its length, and through the stroke transitions, is remarkable; the present model relates the postural self-...
Observed effects were quite dramatic in what researchers described as calcium efflux or ‘dumping’ from cells. The most dramatic effects were seen at 180 Hz in the ELF range. This appears to contradict Pall’s work [189] cited above as increased calcium efflux is the opposite of what Pall...
While the medulla puts our breath on auto-pilot, we possess the remarkable ability to alter its rhythm through the power of the Land of the Wise’s superstar, the prefrontal cortex. When we consciously take a few deep breaths to slow down our rate of respiration, we activate the vagus ner...