2001. Medicare hospital prospective payment system how DRG rates are calculated and updated. White Paper (OEI-09-00-00200) 1-20.Centers for Medicare&-Medicaid Services(CMS).Medicare hospital prospective payment system:how DRGs rates are calculated and updated[EB/OL].[2001-08-01].https://www...
Nucleotypic effect in homeotherms: Body-mass-corrected basal metabolic rate of mammals is related to genome size. Evolution 1995, 49, 1249–1259. [CrossRef] 27. Kozłowski, J.; Konarzewski, M.; Gawelczyk, A.T. Cell size as a link between noncoding DNA and metabolic rate scaling. ...
[88] proposed a hybrid DRL and genetic algorithm (DRG-SP) for smart platooning of AVs. By leveraging the DRL technique, the computational complexity is addressed, and the highly dynamic platoon scenarios are supported. Adopting the Genetic Algorithm in DRL solved the slow convergence issue and ...
The paired-pulse ratio (PPR) was calculated as the 2nd fEPSP amplitude divided by the 1st fEPSP amplitude. The paired-pulse ratio (PPR) did not change significantly at 60 min after CS indicating postsynaptic expression of LTP (100 [+ or -] 2% of baseline PPR, n = 10). However, these...
The peak type is set to −1. (a) The value b at the peak is such that b < LVi (see Figure 7e). The peak level is set to 1. (b) The value b at the peak is such that LVi ≤ b < W (see Figure 7f). The peak level is proportionally calculated based on the relation ...
The GitHub Environment GitHub is known as a social coding service for software developers to host source code artifacts and to collaborate with others using its social features [1,2]. In recent years, GitHub has become a popular site for researchers to study online software practices. Dabbish ...
Constraints 3: The capacity of package delivery trucks is limited, so it is not allowed to exceed its loading capacity. The actual loading capacity at the scheduled destination k of package delivery truck assigned to delivery route j of PDSP i can be calculated as follows: ∑qi,j,k + r ...
The marketization index of China has been calculated by the economists [50,51] year-by-year since 1997. In their index report, we can find the marketization index of all the provinces in the mainland over the years from 1997 to 2014. The index of 2015 is absent due to a lack of data...