Implications for rehabilitation Mental capacity assessment practice in England and Wales varies and is not always consistent with legal requirements, risking inconsistent and inaccurate judgements about capacity and exposure to legal action. Interventions have been developed to help professionals to engage in...
Being a teenager is tough. There’s constant pressure from school, family, and friends - all while dealing with raging hormones and physical changes. Elements of yoga such as breath work and more complex sequences can help to alleviate some of the mental angst and redirect energy in a positi...
Remembering & Recalling Critical Information BecomesEasyWith This... Stop needlessly forgetting! Enter your email below to get instant access to myexclusive coursethat will show you how to MASSIVELY improve your memory so you canremember important conversations, what you read, and even learn new ski...
Intellectual exploration in gender studies can help a man realize that he is no less capable of showing compassion for others than a woman simply because of his gender, Justad says. "The capacity for bonding isn't limited to any one specific gender, and that's important if we want to rai...
You are asked to write about your personal story, a life event that has prepared you for success in college, and a person who has profoundly impacted your life. There is also an optional essay prompt about any additional challenges or opportunities you have had to overcome. ...
Here is a complete guide to everything you need to know about how to work and communicate asynchronously in a remote work environment. Learn more!
Dwell contemplating mind in mind … in order to know mind as it really is. Dwell contemplating dhamma* in dhammas … in order to know dhammas as they really are. *By dhamma, the Buddha is referring to phenomena, or the total of one’s experience, including all mental events that arise...
Given the social and emotional tolls of the COVID-19 pandemic on college and university students, many students have become academically disengaged during
With our constant, 24/7 access to work – and workplace technology – creating a good work life balance is more critical than ever. With this in mind, we’ve taken a closer look at what’s needed to achieve work life balance, why it matters so much, plus actionable tips to balance ...
Services forMinneapolis Public Schools. “Experiencing homelessness is always hard, but it doesn’t affect all kids the same way. If a child hasn’t been at school for over a week and we can’t get ahold of the parent, then the situation is affecting this child more than in another ...