This in turn means that any newly-established Palestinian state, whether ruled by the PLO or Hamas, will inevitably be an unreconstructed terrorist entity committed to the ‘liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea’. All the more so since it will most likely be ruled by Hamas, ...
In a democracy nobody gets everything they want. There is never a majority that agrees with you 100 percent. You have to make choices. When to hold and when to fold. Mutual accommodation is an inherent part of the process. It is a human process, based on human judgement, that allows ...
would accept it ex ante is a major reason for regarding the outlook we propose here as contractarian. Yet the ultimate basis for the legitimacy of a social arrangement and for the distribution of rights and duties it entails lies not in its contribution to overall utility (however defined) ...
The use of scenario planning for strategy of transnational corporations is not new. Royal Dutch Shell pioneered the method already in the 1970s for making long-term strategic and investment decision (Schwartz, 1991). Subsequently, the scenario planning is also known as “the Shell method”. Most...
After Anarchy: Legitimacy and Power in the United Nations Security Council Ian Hurd. Princeton University Press, 2007 Read preview Overview Five to Rule Them All: The UN Security Council and the Making of the Modern World David L. Bosco. Oxford University Press, 2009 Read preview Overvie...
In short, although peer punishment usually prevents the breakdown of cooperation, it can also lose its effectiveness. Here, we conjecture that a history of conflict within groups can undermine group cooperation and give rise to misuse or underuse of peer punishment. This is because people may ...