One should be keen on making the Talqin the final words of the dying person. The Messenger of Allah counselled in a hadith related by Mu’adh, ‘Whoever’s last words were La Illah Illa Allah will enter Jannah’ [Musnad Al Imam Ahmad] Once the departing person utters the Talqin, all...
If you’re travelling to Makkah via Jeddah on an aeroplane, it is advisable to get changed into your Ihram at home or the airport before departure or during a stopover if you have one. At the airport, you can check in first and get changed in the prayer room or bathroom. Alternatively...
Gossip hinders your productivity simply because it consumes time that could be used in other useful matters, whether it is in your personal or professional life. Backbiting, gossiping and negative speech are not only major sins of the tongue, but they can have psychological effects on your wellne...
Some people are afraid of Islam, but most people don't know enough about it to justify their fears. Others are not afraid of it, but are just interested in learning about it. If you are looking to learn more about Islam, whether or not you...