I’m writing to invite you to take part in our report about how to divide the rubbish. It will be held on Friday afternoon at 3:00 in our school. The purpose of it is to let the students know the classification of garbage and understand what is recyclable and what is not. I will ...
No, I don't think we have my name is li Xiao, my name is Fred Smith. Jimmy practice medicine hi, miss Watson a pleasure to meet you. Jack she is from England. Yes, I think we have met before. It's good to see you again. That's right. Mister li. Mister Fred Miller. Our ma...
The Friendship Project is free, and so far over 11,000 adults have completed it. But it's not just developing countries that struggle with literacy. 友谊项目是免费的,到目前为止,已有11000多名成年人完成了该项目。但不仅仅是发展中国家在读写方面存在困难。 Our second project takes place much close...
There are two reasons. The first one is that it's a quick interaction. It has no consequences. It's easy to be honest with someone you're never going to see again, right? That makes sense. The second reason is where it gets more i...
23、- Is it possible for you to work out the plan tonight? -___. 24、- It's about a successful businessman's management experience, isn't it? - ___! 25、- Jack, how do you compare their company and ours? - ___. 26、- Over-the-top? You mean... -___...
But wait, is it okay to talk about money? 但是等一下,谈钱是可以的吗? Maybe you heard someone say that it can be rude to talk about money in the UK or in the US. 也许你听到有人说在英国或美国谈论金钱是不礼貌的。 Sometimes it's not appropriate. 有时候这并不合适。 For example, it...
How is she?‘How’s your ankle this morning?’‘Better, thanks.’b)used when you meet someone, to ask fornewsabout their life, work etcSohow’s it goingat work these days? Still enjoying it?‘How are thingswith you?’‘Fine.’How are you doing?4used to ask someone about theiropini...
Why is purpose important? When companies are created, they typically have a purpose, a guiding lens for business decisions that reflect the company’s core reason for being. Purpose answers the tough question “What would the world lose if the company disappea...
New Horizon College English BOOK 2 (3rd Edition) Unit 1 Text A Ex .l Understanding the text 1、Be au se he is tired o f listening to his father and he is not interested in gramm ar rules. 2 、Th e ivilization o f Gree e and the glory o f Roman ar hite ture are so m arvel...
The term fiscal cliff is used to describe a situation that is part real and part rhetoric. It's a looming crisis that could seriously disrupt the U.S. economy, sending it into recession and damaging the well-being of many Americans. The rhetoric is an inevitable factor, since action can ...