I performed this Sea salt cleansing from June thou I know I mustn’t perform it often but since then, my colon is back on track with less allergic reaction. I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. All I cn say is, m alive again. M active, can concentrate, energetic, happy n enjoying...
In Hashimoto’s, triggers contribute to the body developing something called “a lack of self-tolerance.” This is when the body is no longer able to recognize its own tissue as part of itself, but instead starts viewing its tissue as a foreign invader. It is no longer “tolerant” of ...
Stage III (advanced)– As time goes on, the cortisol drops lower and lower (unless an intervention is made), and people end up becoming exhausted and often caffeine-dependent. They may be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s, or another autoimmune inflammatory condit...
Chapter 70 - A Novel Iodine Deficiency Disorder: Gestational Hypothyroxinemia – How Safe is it for Progeny?Hypothyroxinemia is a condition characterized by normal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations, but maternal free-thyroxine concentrations that are below the normal range for the stage...
stiffness or general floppiness, which may indicate conditions includingcerebral palsyor gross motor delay. These issues can be diagnosed as early as eight months and may warrant physical therapy from an occupational therapist or other health professional. Worried because your child is not yet walking...
The Royal Osteoporosis Societysays that 3.3million people in the UK over the age of 50 have been diagnosed with the disease. However, the number of sufferers in their teens, twenties and thirties is also increasing due to an increased trend to cut out dairy from your diet. In fact, there...
Which vitamin deficiency can lead to this disorder? Briefly explain your answer. A newborn is diagnosed with severe neurological abnormalities. Analysis of the nerve cells indicate that there are high levels of pyruvate and low levels of acetyl CoA. Explain what may be the cause of the disord...
Explain about the common symptoms and how the condition is diagnosed. What are the causes of the hypersecretion of glucocorticoids (Cushing's syndrome)? What is the difference between signs, symptoms, and syndromes? In Cushing's disease, why is ACTH low? What are the symptoms of Down...
While your doctor will help you interpret your results, it is empowering and useful to understand normal electrolyte levels, Normal Adult Electrolyte Values (17): Calcium: 8.7 – 10/3 mg/dl Chloride: 96 – 106 mmol/L Potassium: 3.5 – 5.2 mmol/L ...
A Novel Iodine Deficiency Disorderdoi:10.1016/B978-0-12-374135-6.00070-4M. MoletiF. TrimarchiF. Vermiglio