Nuclear Power Is Our Best Hope to Ditch Fossil Fuels - Isabelle Boemeke - TED_重塑 11:45 How to Revitalize a Neighborhood -- Without Gentrification - Bree Jones - TED_重塑 06:12 How Green Hydrogen Could End The Fossil Fuel Era - Vaitea Cowan - TED_重塑外语口语 09:15 How AI Coul...
It's a car powered by hydrogen (yes, it's that simple, folks). Hydrogen has been spoken about as The Next Big Thing every year for too many decades now. And yet it still hasn’t happened, but the fact it is the lightest and most explosive gas in the world might help explain wh...
Hydrogen Generators For Cars - What Are They And How Do They Work?Richard Legg
Transportation fuel: Hydrogen can be used to supply energy for cars and other transportation vehicles. Feedstock for industry: Hydrogen is a chemical element applied in several industries for its transformative power. Refining and steel production are among the most known sectors that are alread...
If you strip off hydrogens from the right carbon of ethanol in the presence of oxygen, you get acetic acid, the main component in vinegar. The molecular structure of acetic acid looks like this: where C is carbon, H is hydrogen, O is oxygen, the hyphen is a single chemical bond betwee...
In theory, running cars off hydrogen is a great idea: it's the simplest and most common chemical element and it makes up the vast majority (something like three quarters) of the entire matter in the Universe. Plenty for everyone, then! But there's a snag: poke about in the air around...
Hydrogen cars are an emerging avenue in the car market and it has the potential to challenge the electric vehicle market.
"It's also a clean, high-energy-content molecule that can be used in fuel cells or to store energy generated by variable power sources like solar and wind. But most of the hydrogen produced today is made with fossil fuels, adding to the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. We need a cost...
In Figure 1 you can see there are four basic elements of a PEMFC: The anode, the negative post of the fuel cell, has several jobs. It conducts the electrons that are freed from the hydrogen molecules so that they can be used in an external circuit. It has channels etched into it that...
It’s not a secret that the world is gearing toward zero-emission vehicles in the near future. Even though electric vehicles have gained popularity in the past decade as an alternative to gasoline vehicles, hydrogen cars have struggled to catch up. However, hydrogen vehicles remain a plausible ...