Hydrogen fuel, particularly green H2, is an appealing form of renewable energy for a number of reasons. It is highly abundant as it is a component of water – it can even beproduced with sea water– and produces only water as its emissions when it is used. H2 has a spectrum of potenti...
U.S's Nuclear Arsenal Could Fuel Next-Gen Reactors Scientists Find Groundbreaking Deep-Sea Battery This Material Helps Tokamaks Survive the Heat This Solar Coating Could One Day Power Your Phone Magnetic Mirror Fusion Enters the Energy Race
When it comes to power, hydrogen is one of the most energy dense fuels. One kilogram of hydrogen gas generates the same amount of energy as almost three kilograms of gasoline, making the chemical element a highly efficient fuel source. With water and heat as its only by products, hyd...
In this interview, AZoM talks to a panel of experts at Technetics Group about hydrogen and the opportunities it presents in the context of clean energy transition. Could you please provide an in-depth explanation of the ASME Turbo Expo? Elaine Motyka: Turbo Expo is an annual conference organize...
countries of the world are being oriented towards increasing the shares of electricity produced from renewable energy sources (RES).In recent years, the production of renewable energy has increased considerably, but given the availability of these sources, there is a mismatch between production and ...
Green hydrogen, which is generated using renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. This is the cleanest but also the most expensive energy option Yellow hydrogen, which is produced using electrolysis; however, achieved only through solar power unlike green hydrogen, which can use solar and...
Earlier this month, the Westminster Energy, Environment and Transport Forum convened to discuss the next phase of investment and regulation for Britain’s nascent hydrogen economy, attended by leading lights from various multinationals, green privat
hydrogen from electricity and synfuels from hydrogen, efficiencies drop to some 35 percent for FCEVs, around 30 percent for H2-ICEs, and around 20 percent for synfuels. Well-to-wheel efficiencies for BEVs depend on where the renewable energy is produced (as longer transmissi...
Thus, the results suggest that using hydrogen in green steel production is not creating any threat of hydrogen embrittlement. However, hydrogen uptake in green steel can also occur in certain downstream processing and/or application environments, much like for any steel produced via the conventional ...
Ammonia, when burned, produces zero carbon emissions, while combusting methanol produced with captured carbon dioxide could be carbon-neutral, with no more CO2emitted than used to make it. If the hydrogen used to make these chemicals is green, then the maritime sector could reach net zero emiss...