How is hydrochloric acid made in the stomach? Stomach: The stomach is one of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach receives the food for digestion, it secretes the acids and digestive juices. The stomach acid is hydrochloric acid, which kills the microbes present in food to ...
Since pepsin is a gastric enzyme, does it have an acidic or alkaline optimum pH? What happens to pepsin when it enters the duodenum? Choose the correct answer: The organ that produces a protein-digesting enzyme activated by hydrochloric acid (HCl) is ...
It is secreted by the stomach and activated to pepsin by the release of hydrochloric acid. Pepsin helps in the breakdown of protein in the food material within the stomach. Cholecystokinin (also called pancreozymin) itself is not a digestive enzyme. However, it is produced within the stomach...
is added.12108-pH6420010 203040 50volume of hydrochloric acid/cm3(i) Describe how the pH of the solution changes as the titration proceeds.decreases slowly at first: then sudden decrease in PH: then slow decrease;3](ii) What volume of acid had been added when the solution had a neutral ...
The easiest way to test for hydrochloric acid is with silver nitrate solution. Add silver nitrate solution to the test solution in a test tube and observe the reaction. If a white precipitate forms, hydrochloric acid is present.
Being a citrus fruit, lemon has high acidity levels that can stimulate the hydrochloric acid production to break the food and aid in having a proper and easy digestion. In addition, it can also make your digestive system be run smoothly. Therefore, it is the best choice for you, if you ...
How Often is There Value in the Giving of Hydrochloric Acid?doi:10.1016/S0016-5085(49)80164-8W.C.A.Elsevier BVGastroenterology
Here we have three solutions. One is hydrochloric acid which is acidic another is sodium hydroxide which is base thus, the solution is basic and lastly we have a sugar solution which will be neutral.To identify these solutions, firstly we will place turmeric in the given s...
The Hydrochloric acid will dissociate, and the H+ will react with the OH-C to form H2O-C. The H2O is a good leaving group. 799 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More Difference Between 10 Commandments And Hammurabi Code The 10 commandments and Hammurabi’s code are simular because of ...
The concept of moles and equivalents, and thus millimoles and milliequivalents, underlies this relationship, and it is of vital importance in medicine and clinical pharmacology. Molar Mass Calculator Common Compounds Periodic Elements Chemical Formula HCl also known as Hydrochloric Acid Molar Mass of ...