Importantly, our method is able to estimate an expected value of any dimension using any combination of the other dimensions based on the coefficients calculated by a single fitted model. Our model can accommodate any number of dimensions of interest, and is therefore widely applicable to a ...
Generally speaking, when the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is calculated by summing the squared percentage market shares, how many largest firms data is used in a industry, supposing there are a laA.4 B.10 C.50查看答案更多“Generally speaking, when the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is ...
Explain how the CPI is calculated. Explain briefly what the CPI measures and how it is constructed. Describe CPI. Explain what hedonics is and how it can be used on the CPI. Explain what the CPI measures and how it is constructed. Identify one reason why the CPI is an imperfect measure...
AirportHHIit: HHI index for endpoint airports of route i at time t, calculated using airline share; • OwnHubij: dummy variable equals 1 if one of the OD cities on route i is the airline j’s hub airport; • κd: the departure city and arrival city fixed effects; • ζi: the...
established measure of Kwoka (1977), we calculated theindustry competitiveness (HHI)of each industry for each year with the Herfindahl-Hirschmann index (HHI), defined as the sum of squared market shares in the industry. Finally, we included dummy variables for theinvestment yearand theventure ...
Firm level concentration, as measured by the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI), varies across the sectors comprising the industry, but all are within the range generally considered as indicative of a competitive industry. The data available allowed HHI to be calculated for the period 1977–2002 in...
Referring to the measurement of Feng and Johansson (2018), we use the excess death rate to measure the severity of the famine in different provinces; the excess death rate is calculated as the gap between the death rate in 1960 and the average death rate of the 3 years before it began ...
(represented by the first difference of natural logarithms of loans), size (captured by the logarithm of total assets), leverage (computed as the ratio of total assets to equity), diversification (calculated by one minus the adjusted Herfindahl Hirschman Index (1-AHHI)), and profitability (...
In this particular case, the industry HHI of the Commerce Department is regressed on the Compustat public-firm-only HHI and the average number of employees per firm. Afterwards, the coefficient estimates from this regression are used to compute fitted HHI for all other industries. Most notably, ...
TheHerfindahl-Herschman Index (HHI)is an alternative indicator of firm size, calculated by squaring the percentage share (stated as a whole number) of each firm in an industry, then summing these squared market shares to derive an HHI. The HHI has a fair amount of correlation to the concentr...