Many doctors believe that it is difficult to initiate and maintain patients on all these medications. We have studied 162 consecutive patients referred to our service as outpatients from primary care, subsequently diagnosed as having HFrEF, and our ability to establish them on these medications.#...
HF has been classified into three subgroups in patients with symptoms and/or signs of HF based on ejection fraction: (1) HF with reduced ejection fraction (<40%, HFrEF), (2) HF with mid-range ejection fraction (40%-49%, HFmrEF), (3) HF with preserved ejection fraction (≥50%, HFpE...
GBC is often diagnosed at an advanced stage because of being asymptomatic in early stages, its aggressive nature, and its ability to spread rapidly. How- ever, the detection and resection rate for GBC in the mass screening of 204,099 persons is 0.040% (81 cases) and 88%, respectively [2...