It is important to understand that Easter was not celebrated or mentioned in the Bible. Rather, the three-day period from Good Friday through Easter Sunday has become a traditional observance of when Christians believe that the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Christ occurred. Easter Tradition...
Where is it celebrated? Canada(Christian)Cayman Islands(Public holiday)Jamaica(Public holiday)Show all Ash Wednesday is an integral part of the Lenten season in manyChristianreligions, including Catholic, Orthodox, and some Protestant denominations. Lent is a religious time period of 40 days beforeEa...
Another Christian festival - particularly celebrated in the Catholic church - to mark the day when Mary, the mother of Christ, is thought to have died, and was then ‘assumed’ into heaven and reunited with her soul. November 1: All Saints’ Day (La Toussaint) This is a Catholic day...
Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is aHindufestival celebrated in many different parts ofIndia, as well as other countries throughout the Indian subcontinent and around the world. It is a spiritual festival used to offer prayers to Lakshmi—the goddess of prosperity—and to ritually observe the ...
Norway's largely secular culture doesn't mean a lack of celebration -- in fact, Norwegians go out of their way to recognize many personal milestones. Birthdays, for example, are celebrated with gifts, songs and, of course, cake (oftenchocolate- or fruit-and-cream–flavored). If a child'...
the Anglo-Saxon dawn goddess of fertility,Eostre, also the goddess of the dawn, who originated in what is now Scandinavia. Over time, early Christians started referring to the Feast of the Resurrection by the name of the month in which it was celebrated—Eosturmonath(what we now call April...
‘Lapsing’ among Christians around the WorldMateria sacra: The Materiality of Religion in Ancient Egypt from the Dynastic to the Byzantine PeriodAccommodating the Other: Negotiating Christianity, Indigenous Practices, and Colonialism in the Jesuit Reductions500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines: ...
While Octavian had hardly been a particularly ethical individual in his youth, as emperor he set up his family as a model of moral behavior, and — to his credit — oversaw a long period of Pax Romana, which is still today celebrated by that beautiful monument in Rome known as the Ara...
Not being a perceived sinner or a celebrated saint. Not whether we wake up in the heights of optimism or in the depths of despair. Not anything that is created…NOTHING can separate us from God’s love.“ (Adapted from the text of the Common English Bible, 2011.) Pandemia is hard. ...
Holy Week is celebrated around the world, but it's particularly significant in LATAM countries. Many will close offices to observe days like Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, then reopen following Easter Sunday. If you're celebrating Holy Week, or have partners or customers living in areas that...