What's clear once we get all this out on the page is that "ae" is a confusing little unit for English speakers. It's not commonly found in everyday English words, which means that no one can be blamed for not knowing what to do with it. Now that you've read this article, you...
First, the obvious: "Zero" is pronounced exactly how it's spelled. "Z-E-R-O" - say it out loud and you've got it. Now, let's get into some of the nuances of using "zero" in different contexts. In everyday speech, you'll often hear "zero" used as a syno...
Conversely, when they hear a vowel sound, they'll know how the syllable must be spelled to make that sound. Probabilities and Rules are then taught. The English language provides several ways to spell the same sounds. For example, the sound /SHUN/ can be spelled either TION, SION, or ...
start making your cards: with each card, write an English word (spelled correctly!) on the front and its translation in your native language (or an image of the word) on the back. You may also include on the front the word's part of speech and/or a sample English sentence. ...
Make sure the character names, place and location names are spelled correctly.Return to work or article and check whether you wrote everything correctly. Some mistakes become visible only if you do several rounds of re-reading and correcting an essay. If you are analyzing a movie, find a lis...
In addition to just having your child spell from the Word Card, also build a word like the one misspelled with letter tiles a day or two afterwards and talk with your child about why it is spelled the way it is spelling. I don’t know what level you are doing, but All About ...
t izqut.” If they do not see the logic behind something, they cannot memorize it; and, there is nothing wrong with the way logical learners think or learn. In fact, they are the most coherent and rational thinkers; they simply cannot see the logic in the way English words are spelled...
Is there a secret to sounding like a native speaker? In today’s lesson I’ll share with you the key to PERFECT PRONUNCIATION! English pronunciation can be difficult to master, because it isn’t a phonetic language — that is, words are not pronounced the way they are spelled. In additio...
What Is a Traveler’s Check? A traveler’s check (sometimes spelled "cheque") is a once-popular but now largely outmoded medium of exchange utilized as an alternative tohard currencyand intended to aid tourists. The product is typically used by people on vacation in foreign countries. It off...
A durable POA (DPOA) remains in control of certain legal, property, or financial matters that are specifically spelled out in the agreement even if and when the principal becomes mentally incapacitated. A DPOA can pay medical bills on behalf of the principal but the durable agent can't make...