As COVID emerged, a number of state and federal courts, state legislatures, and governors took steps to allow oaths to be administered remotely—and remote depositions were soon used across most courts. However, the use of fully remote video depositions is new. “There haven’t been many ...
The pandemic is teaching us key lessons about crisis, communication and misinformation, and is spurring changes in the way scientists study public-health questions. The pandemic is teaching us key lessons about crisis, communication and misinformation, and is spurring changes in the way scientists ...
Measures meant to tame the coronavirus pandemic are quashing influenza and most other respiratory diseases, which could have wide-ranging implications
With life in China beginning to show signs of returning to normal, what can the spending habits of the world’s most populous nation teach us about what’s to come globally in the wake of Covid-19? This article will cover : Mobile commerce, online-to-offline platforms, tech,...
By mid-December, the Northern Hemisphere is usually well into the start of its annual cold and flu season — but so far this year, even as the COVID-19 pandemic surges in dozens of countries, the levels of many common seasonal infections remain extremely low....
-Will COVID-19 change the internationalization process of Chinese universities? How? -The ongoing global outbreak of coronavirus is ushering in a period of shifting geopolitics. What does the changing international context, the intensifying US-China competition in particular, mean for the future of ...
COVID-19 has dramatically affected the medical field resulting in numerous changes that will continue being experienced even after the pandemic has ended. There is likely to be a post-COVID-19 health preparedness era. Whereby health facilities and personnel will try and be prepared to deal with... 传统疫苗的研发需要漫长的时间,新冠疫苗为何在短短一年之内就能问世?其背后的秘诀就在于一项已研究了数十年的医学技术——信使核糖核酸。它究竟是何方神圣?它的防疫原理又是什么?来本片中寻找答案吧~~请务必记住:疫苗是拯救生命的,只有恐惧才会危及生命!【p.s.】校对并且附加了英语字幕,...
Isolate if you suspect you have or have a confirmed case of COVID-19. Stay away from others with suspected or confirmed cases. Improve the flow of air in and out of rooms, which can include opening windows, changing air filters more often, turning on fans or exhaust fans, and usingHEPA...
The covid-19 crisis offers us a chance to adapt and evolve as wetry to conform to a new lifestyle while reflecting on the deficiencies of our current lives. 尽管远程医疗通过减少面对面的接触,遏制了被冠状病毒感染的风险,但老年人仍在努力掌握数字世界。