In this chapter, fuel ethanol, yeast's role in ethanol production, corn as ethanol feedstock, industrial ethanol production including wet milling, and dry-grind ethanol processing steps (milling, liquefaction, saccharification, fermentation, distillation, and recovery) are described along with the ...
We know corn ethanol. What is the new stuff? It's alcohol made from tough plant stems, leaves and trunks instead of supple starch. So far, refineries around the world can produce it only on a demonstration scale. It's more complicated to make than corn ethanol. If it were sold at the...
A theory of the link between the corn and ethanol markets The logic of an equilibrium relationship between the corn and ethanol markets is based on a simple long-run no-profit condition for a competitive industry. If the prices of corn and ethanol are such that ethanol plants make positive ...
So, B100 refers to pure biodiesel [source: U.S. Department of Energy]. Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Energy Biofuels, such as ethanol made from corn and biodiesel made from soybeans, help support American agriculture. Biodiesel isn't just a catch-all term, however. There is also a...
Karetnikov, DariaSkane, ElizabethAbellard, AbdelKaretnikov, D., Skane, E., & Abellard, A. (2008). How far can corn take us? Evaluating the impacts of ethanol. Retrieved from
There appears to be a consensus emerging that the large scale use of corn to make ethanol for motor fuel is a bad idea because: 1) the energy balance is poor -- that is, the energy you get out of the corn based ethanol is little more than the fossil fuel energy that went into mak...
Over the millennia, we have adapted the technologies of brewing, winemaking, and baking and have come to rely on yeast more and more. Yeast produces corn ethanol and other biofuels and has become the genetically-modified darling of the pharmaceutical business as a source of human insulin and a...
Wind energy, electric cars, hybrid cars, hydrogen fuel cells, biodiesel, ethanol -- the world of alternative energy can often seem strange and unpredictable. It turns out there are energy sources out there that are much more bizarre than corn and sugar. For the most part, almost anything ...
Ethanol is a plant-based biofuel mainly used to power engines such as those in cars and trucks. This means that ethanol comes from plants, primarily corn, and thus is it a renewable source of fuel as well.Answer and Explanation: Ethanol reduces greenhouse gas emissions by providing an ...
When ethanol fuel started becoming a popular alternative fuel option in vehicles, the price of corn -- from which ethanol can be produced -- spiked. As another example, you may hear on the news about an oil refinery explosion where a supply of crude oil is compromised. This will cause ...